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Chamber concerts


Münchner Künstlerhaus

  • Clarinet

    Albert Osterhammer

    Albert Osterhammer was born in 1966 in Prien on the Chiemsee. He received his first clarinet instruction at the Grassau Music School, where he later taught. In 1985 he began his studies at the Munich Music Academy as a pupil of Gerd Starke. Following…


  • Viola

    Burkhard Sigl

    Burkhard Sigl comes from a musical family and had already begun playing the violin at the age of five. He completed his viola studies with honors at the Mozarteum in Salzburg and was promptly invited to join the faculty there. Besides a number of…


  • Piano

    Thierry Escaich

    Composer, organist and improviser Thierry Escaich is a unique figure in contemporary music and one of the most important French composers of his generation. The three elements of Escaich’s artistry are inseparable, allowing him to express himself as…


  • Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

    With his symphonies, operas, concerti and chamber music, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (born on January 27, 1756 in Salzburg) is today the most-performed composer of all times. While still a child, he was already an international celebrity: trotted out by…


    Trio for Clarinet, Viola and Piano in E-flat major, K. 498 "Kegelstatt Trio"

  • Thierry Escaich

    Composer, organist and improviser Thierry Escaich is a unique figure in contemporary music and one of the most important French composers of his generation. The three elements of Escaich’s artistry are inseparable, allowing him to express himself as…


    "Trio américain (Suppliques)" for Clarinet, Viola and Piano

  • Intermission

  • Max Bruch

    Nowadays, Max Bruch is known almost exclusively for his often performed First Violin Concerto, when in fact Max Bruch has left behind an extremely comprehensive œuvre, including three symphonies, three violin concerti, large-scale oratorios, operas,…


    Eight Pieces for Clarinet, Viola and Piano, Opus 83

  • Thierry Escaich

    Composer, organist and improviser Thierry Escaich is a unique figure in contemporary music and one of the most important French composers of his generation. The three elements of Escaich’s artistry are inseparable, allowing him to express himself as…


    Improvisation über Themen von Robert Schumann

  • Robert Schumann

    Robert Schumann, born on June 8th 1810 in Zwickau, actually wanted to become a pianist, but had to give up this plan because of a hand injury caused by excessive practicing. Until 1840, he exclusively composed works for piano and art songs, before…


    "Märchenerzählungen", Four Pieces for Clarinet, Viola and Piano, Opus 132

  • Clarinet

    Albert Osterhammer

    Albert Osterhammer was born in 1966 in Prien on the Chiemsee. He received his first clarinet instruction at the Grassau Music School, where he later taught. In 1985 he began his studies at the Munich Music Academy as a pupil of Gerd Starke. Following…


  • Viola

    Burkhard Sigl

    Burkhard Sigl comes from a musical family and had already begun playing the violin at the age of five. He completed his viola studies with honors at the Mozarteum in Salzburg and was promptly invited to join the faculty there. Besides a number of…


  • Piano

    Thierry Escaich

    Composer, organist and improviser Thierry Escaich is a unique figure in contemporary music and one of the most important French composers of his generation. The three elements of Escaich’s artistry are inseparable, allowing him to express himself as…


  • Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

    With his symphonies, operas, concerti and chamber music, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (born on January 27, 1756 in Salzburg) is today the most-performed composer of all times. While still a child, he was already an international celebrity: trotted out by…


    Trio for Clarinet, Viola and Piano in E-flat major, K. 498 "Kegelstatt Trio"

  • Thierry Escaich

    Composer, organist and improviser Thierry Escaich is a unique figure in contemporary music and one of the most important French composers of his generation. The three elements of Escaich’s artistry are inseparable, allowing him to express himself as…


    "Trio américain (Suppliques)" for Clarinet, Viola and Piano

  • Intermission

  • Max Bruch

    Nowadays, Max Bruch is known almost exclusively for his often performed First Violin Concerto, when in fact Max Bruch has left behind an extremely comprehensive œuvre, including three symphonies, three violin concerti, large-scale oratorios, operas,…


    Eight Pieces for Clarinet, Viola and Piano, Opus 83

  • Thierry Escaich

    Composer, organist and improviser Thierry Escaich is a unique figure in contemporary music and one of the most important French composers of his generation. The three elements of Escaich’s artistry are inseparable, allowing him to express himself as…


    Improvisation über Themen von Robert Schumann

  • Robert Schumann

    Robert Schumann, born on June 8th 1810 in Zwickau, actually wanted to become a pianist, but had to give up this plan because of a hand injury caused by excessive practicing. Until 1840, he exclusively composed works for piano and art songs, before…


    "Märchenerzählungen", Four Pieces for Clarinet, Viola and Piano, Opus 132

Duration of concert: ca. 1 ¾ Stunden


The Künstlerhaus is located at Lenbachplatz. Please use public transportation if possible, as there is limited parking available.

Lenbachplatz 8, 80333 München

Arrival by underground or suburban train:
Station Karlsplatz/Stachus, walking distance 320 m

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Further Events

  • Mahler

    • Conductor

      Thomas Hengelbrock

      Thomas Hengelbrock zählt zu den vielseitigsten und interessantesten Künstlern seiner Generation. Mit dem Balthasar- Neumann-Chor und -Orchester gründete er zwei Originalklang-Formationen, mit denen er seit über 25 Jahren international Erfolge feiert.…


    • Gustav Mahler: Symphony No. 9 D major
  • Strauß

    • Conductor

      Philippe Jordan

      Philippe Jordan, aus einer Schweizer Künstlerfamilie stammend, ist seit September 2020 Musikdirektor der Wiener Staatsoper. Im November 2024 wurde er zum neuen Chefdirigenten des Orchestre National de France ab 2027 ernannt. Seine Karriere begann er…


    • Piano

      François-Frédéric Guy

      Als herausragender Interpret der Musik der deutschen Romantik und ihrer Wegbereiter ebenso wie zeitgenössischer Kompositionen und als Orchesterleiter vom Klavier aus verfolgt François-Frédéric Guy eine stetige internationale Karriere. An der Seite…


    • Josef Strauß: Waltz »Dynamiden. Geheime Anziehungskräfte«
    • Franz Liszt: Piano Concerto No. 2
    • Richard Strauss: Suite of »Der Rosenkavalier«
  • Strauß

    • Conductor

      Philippe Jordan

      Philippe Jordan, aus einer Schweizer Künstlerfamilie stammend, ist seit September 2020 Musikdirektor der Wiener Staatsoper. Im November 2024 wurde er zum neuen Chefdirigenten des Orchestre National de France ab 2027 ernannt. Seine Karriere begann er…


    • Piano

      François-Frédéric Guy

      Als herausragender Interpret der Musik der deutschen Romantik und ihrer Wegbereiter ebenso wie zeitgenössischer Kompositionen und als Orchesterleiter vom Klavier aus verfolgt François-Frédéric Guy eine stetige internationale Karriere. An der Seite…


    • Josef Strauß: Waltz »Dynamiden. Geheime Anziehungskräfte«
    • Franz Liszt: Piano Concerto No. 2
    • Richard Strauss: Suite of »Der Rosenkavalier«
  • »D’un pas léger«

    Münchner Künstlerhaus
    • Flute

      Michael Martin Kofler

      Michael Martin Kofler absolvierte seine Studien in Wien und Basel mit Auszeichnung und war Soloflötist beim Gustav Mahler -Jugendorchester. Seit 1987 ist er Soloflötist der Münchner Philharmoniker. Er ist Preisträger mehrerer internationaler…


    • Oboe

      Kai Rapsch

      Kai Rapsch wurde 1978 in Berlin geboren und begab sich schon früh auf seine musikalische Laufbahn. So besuchte er das Musikgymnasium Carl-Philipp-Emanuel Bach und wurde bereits im Alter von 15 Jahren als Jungstudent am Julius Stern Institut der…


    • Clarinet

      Alexandra Gruber

      Alexandra Gruber wurde in Freudenstadt/Schwarzwald geboren, begann bereits fünfjährig mit dem Klavierspiel, mit neun Jahren folgte dann die Klarinette. Ihr Studium im Hauptfach Klarinette absolvierte sie an der Staatlichen Hochschule für Musik in…


    • Bassoon

      Raffaele Giannotti

      Raffaele Giannotti wurde 1995 in Italien geboren und erhielt den ersten Fagottunterricht im Alter von zehn Jahren bei Antonio Vergine und Claudio Gonella. Seine Diplomprüfung schloss er mit 15 Jahren am Giuseppe Verdi Konservatorium Turin mit…


    • Horn

      Alois Schlemer

      Der in Rosenheim geborene Musiker erhielt im Alter von acht Jahren seinen ersten Musikunterricht. Sein Hornstudium begann Alois Schlemer zunächst bei Hans Noeth, dem langjährigen Solohornisten des Bayerischen Staatsorchesters, um es von 1978 bis 1982…


    • Joseph Haydn: Divertimento No. 1 »St. Antonii«
    • Franz Danzi: Wind quintet No. 2
    • Jacques Ibert: »Trois pièces brèves«
    • Maurice Ravel: »Le Tombeau de Couperin« (arranged for Wind Quintet)
    • ( ... )
    Münchner Künstlerhaus