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Johann Sebastian Bach

With his cantatas and oratorios, the Leipzig Thomaskantor Johann Sebastian Bach was the ultimate paragon of Protestant liturgical music. At the same time, with works like The Well-Tempered Clavier, The Art of the Fugue and The Musical Offering, he brought ultimate perfection to a great contrapuntal tradition. In addition, we have Bach?s extensive instrumental ?uvre: concerti, orchestral suites, chamber, piano and organ music. Bach?s creativity figured significantly in determining the further development of European musical history: from Mozart to Mendelssohn, Reger, Hindemith and Schönberg, the continuity of creative occupation with this music remains unbroken to this day. And present-day cultural life would be inconceivable without the music of Bach.

born on March 21, 1685 in Eisenach

died on July 28, 1750 in Leipzig